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Jacked Kirby

Mar 31, 2022

We’re joined this week by Pittsburgh’s own acclaimed comic book creator JIM RUGG! Jim jaws with us about comics, Golden Age creator work ethics, discovering Kirby, ‘90s comics, and taking on the Incredible Hulk in his much anticipated ‘Hulk: Grand Design’ series for Marvel! (It’s hitting the stands right now...

Mar 24, 2022

It’s the Marvel monster-turned-Marvel Comics’ staple villain, everyone’s favorite extraterrestrial Asian dragon,  FIN FANG FOOM! Mike D. & Tommy discuss the character’s pre-Marvel superheroes introduction and his future integration into the Marvel universe proper! Plus the Cold War and it’s effects on comic...

Mar 16, 2022

Tommy & Mike D. are joined by artist RYAN CARR, official house artist for the George A. Romero Foundation, and things gets heated as they discuss fan communities, creator credits, comics on the screen, dream jobs, and so much more! 
For Ryan on the internet;
Instagram: @ryansamuelcarr
And check...

Mar 2, 2022

Your boys dip into the legendary Lord Of Light; from sci-fi novel to a proposed theme park to CIA operation involving a fake Hollywood movie and saving hostages in Iran to black light posters! It’s a crazy story, and Jack Kirby’s art was an important part of it all!
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