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Jacked Kirby

Apr 28, 2021

It’s been a while since we’ve done one of our 5 Things episodes, but it’s back! Mike D. & Tommy each bring a list of 5 Jack Kirby-related things they like, dislike, recommend, or downright loathe... and hi-jinks ensue. Fun stuff! 
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Apr 15, 2021

Legendary Marvel editor Jim Salicrup talks to us about his teenage days at Marvel that led to him spearheading the classic ‘Kraven’s Last Hunt’ Spidey story, dinner with The King, working with Stan Lee, editing the Topps Comics “Kirbyverse” titles, starting the Papercutz publishing company... and much...

Apr 14, 2021

Episode 103- “‘Stuntman’ with Kenny Wong!”

‘Stuntman’ is a short-lived Harvey Comics series by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby from 1946... and we talk about it with an ACTUAL movie & tv stuntman (and talented budding comic book artist), KENNY WONG! We get into Kenny’s background in stunt work and comic art,...